I found my soul looking right at me, 

It wasn’t red nor black, 

It was a homeless soul,

With grey patches of happiness, sadness, poverty with the will to succeed.

My world is in crisis, so is your world. In homeless souls, Amitakh Stanford describes society as being in crises as never before, with the acts of selfishness, violent, uncaring, irresponsible and disrespectful. I for one cannot deny that I have become insecure and sceptical of both my neighbours and government. “Society as a whole is facing decay. Religion, society, political and economic structures are deteriorating. The whole world is fading into a gloomy fog of uncertainty, corruption, decadence, coldness, utter despair and hopelessness. Despite what many may perceive as a smart age of digital technology, nuclear  development, fantastic space adventures and incredible advancement in medicine and other fields, imperialistic invasions and control of other countries through massive , horrendous wars indicate that society as a whole is becoming darker, insensitive and lawless as it devolves into chaos”(A.Stanford, 2012).

“Mom there is no bread”. How do I tell my son that I am not able to provide a basic item such as bread? I can’t even ask my neighbours, I can only imagine what they would think of me. I know I wouldn’t be too understanding if they came demanding for my groceries, like what the heck” It's fine nana I'll just make you pap with vegetable soup, it’s almost supper anyway” I reply. Another month another poverty strike, but I know I’ll get buy somehow, I always do.

 I guess life is 4MATIC. Like a four wheel drive system developed by Mercedes Benz to increase traction in slippery condition. Life is not always kind, nor is society for that matter. But because there is a greater power somewhere, whether it may be of fate, God or just hope I always seem to get through the day, month and the year. But why are we self-centred when our history is built on Ubuntu and Socialism.

I feel empty,
I know it in my heart that something is wrong,
I can’t put my finger on it but it niggles me,
I’ve been to church thinking deliverance was an answer,
Unfulfilled I still am,
My core issue is still a great mystery.


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